Sunday, December 16, 2012


No matter where you live, how you live, who you are, every day holds opportunities to witness reasons to despair and to rejoice. What happens, happens - most of the time we have little or no direct impact on what is unfolding. Where our power lies is in how we respond to what comes.

After the tragic events in Newton I chose to reign in my sadness and focus on sending healing light to all who have been impacted. As the news spread those affected expanded exponentially; fortunately the source of the light is infinite.

Not knowing what to say that might contribute to the healing process I choose to be silent. Then I ran into Stephen.  We don't know each other well, but we share some interests and beliefs and seem to literally pop up in each other's path at the most opportune times. I am always excited to see him, because I know there is a gift for us in the making when we meet.

It is impossible to overlook Stephen. He seems about nine feet tall, has an inimitable style and radiates a vivid intensity even when he's chilling.

I was running late for an event but evidently my timing was perfect as I saw Stephen outside my destination, intensely focused on heading somewhere himself. When I literally got in his face (by raising my arms and fluttering my hands) he exclaimed "Oh Girl, I am so glad to see you! I have a story to tell."

He recounted how he heard of the shooting and how he began to spiral into the darkness at the thought. He experienced the outrage and grief and vulnerability that such events inspire. He went into his shell, snapping at anyone who came close. After he found himself going off on a loved one he said "Now wait a minute."

"And then I remembered one of the things Abraham said. They said shouting NO! at something is like magnetizing that thing right to you. I said I've got to deal with this another way."

"What I did, and it wasn't easy, trust me, but I took $100 and went to the Safeway. I walked up to the Manager, gave him the money and said 'I'm buying some one's groceries tonight.' He asked me who and I said 'I don't know yet.' "

Stephen walked around the store looking for the people who might need the most relief. He found a young couple with a baby - carefully shopping from a list. He saw their stress and felt their tension, as if they were spread thin in many ways.

When they went to the checkout he went back to the manager and said "There they are." He waited at the exit. After their groceries were rung up they got good the news.  The woman looked up stunned and asked "Who?"

That's when Stephen slipped through the door. And out of his despair.

Horrible things happen every day. But angels do walk the earth and each one of us has unlimited opportunity to be one of them. All it takes is shining some light into the darkness; fortunately you have an infinite supply.

Monday, December 3, 2012


I was asked recently how I handle skeptics. Something that epitomizes my approach to people who are reluctant to believe it is possible to connect with those living as spirit comes from one of the Matrix movies. 

Morpheus is losing his followers in droves.  Their civilization is in tatters.  Everyone is panicking. They cannot see the path he is trying to lead them on.  One of them tries to open his eyes, to get him to wake up - "Morpheus, nobody sees it like you do.  They don't believe in you!"

Morpheus replies with calm conviction - "Fortunately my belief system does not require that they do."

A wise woman taught me something literally life changing.  She helped me recognize that I can accept any person's point of view on anything without agreeing with it.  So often we collapse the two concepts together.

Beliefs are simply points of view - the way I see life from my unique perspective.  I may not embrace each person's belief system but I can accept it as being valid from that person's individual point of view.  Oh what a relief that is! 

I cannot know what informs any one's experience other than my own. I know what I hear and see and sense.  I have personally experienced the healing power of communicating with those no longer in physical form.  The people I read for have told me the same has been true for them.  That's all I've got, but it's enough for me.

As for skeptics, I respect and bless them, as I do all my fellow travelers as we tread this path of happy destiny.  I'm not here to prove anything.  I am here to be of service for those who ask, 

I did read something funny on another psychic's blog in relation to skeptics she said "Don't test me by asking me to tell you your middle name!"

I laughed at that but also consider it wise advice.  Why waste time asking someone to tell you what you already know? 

No one HAS to consult with a psychic.  If you feel guided to enlist a psychic's aid my best advice is to come with an open mind and heart.  Releasing resistance can open up possibilities you may never have imagined.  What do you have to lose?